IAMMETER`s upgrading timeline (since 2022)

IAMMETER`s upgrading timeline (since 2022)

The features released after July will be published separately below











July 22th, 2022

[Blog]Troubleshooting: Fix the possible problem in NEM(net energy metering) mode

[Blog]Nodered:Request the Wi-Fi energy meter by Modbus/TCP and control a relay

July 18th, 2022

[Blog] Do a simple experiment in the home assistant

Do a real-time control loop in the home assistant,use the modbus sensor to control the sonoff output.

July 14th, 2022

[New feature]electricity tariff template collection(fixed rates ,time of use rates and tiered rates etc...)

In this electricity bills template, you can set the tiered rates in the time of use (TOU) rates.

July 5th, 2022

FW upgrade:Upgrade to the latest Firmware version i.75.96(20220705)

July 3rd, 2022

[Blog]How to understand the time interval parameter in the Wi-Fi energy meter

July 1st, 2022

[New feature] Analyze the kilowatt-hours (kWh) in selected hours (Per day/month )



June 14th,2022

New feature&FW upgrade: Manipulate the power chart directly from the app. 

The firmware of the Wi-Fi energy meter that supports Modbus/TCP


May 25th,2022

New feature:Analyze the energy difference within the selected time interval from the power chart

May 24th,2022

Blog:Troubleshooting: the so-called accuracy problem

May 21th, 2022

Blog:Measure the single phase three wire system(120V/240V) in a cost effective way

Blog:Summary: How to use IAMMETER`s energy meter in Home assistant


April 23th,2022

Big upgrade: Support Modbus/TCP in the Wi-Fi energy meter of IAMMETER


Blog: how to share your energy monitoring in a secure way

APP upgrade: Upgrade your IAMMETER app to the latest version in IOS

New feature: Demand charge report in IAMMETER


Use the 3-phase energy meter the way you prefer to


Blog: how to support multiple power tariffs when you monitor your energy consumption in IAMMETER

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Update on Sep 27th,2022


SHA256 73255026A6EFC80D8876F281476B39AB25DCA026274315977AACF14B5B8D7FE0


what is new

  • support new API /api/monitor (add the connected AP name and signal strength in the API of "monitorjson" )
  • hide the link of system.html in both basic and monitor pages (the system page still exists, just remove the link from basic and monitor page )
  • add net energy kWh and power reading in monitor .html (if you do not open the net energy mode like this,it will display the sum data here)


mew api:monitor in the energy meter

hide the system.html


FW update on Oct 11th,2022

[solution] Using IAMMETER to charge Tesla only from excess solar

IAMMETER`s energy meter @ solaranzeige

FW update on Oct 11th,2022



When the energy meter reboots and has connected to the LAN successfully, it will take 1-2 seconds to prepare the valid data. If the first Modbus/TCP request is in within this 1-2 seconds, it will return zero data in the previous version.

Feature changes: The auto-reboot cycle is extended to 24 hours (Before: 10 hours)




[solution] Using IAMMETER to charge Tesla only from excess solar


I thought I would share my latest use of Iammeter. With the assistance of a couple of Iammeter's I have been able to configure the Tesla to only charge from excess solar, and to accurately match the charge rate to achieve that over time. eg if at any one time, you only have 230W of free solar, you can set the charger to your 230W. Note : the granularity you can set the charging of the Tesla is down to 1A. So with 230V supply the minimum charge is 230W (single phase charger). So effectively assuming 230V supply, I can charge at 230W, 460W, 690W, 920W etc up to the maximum charge rate of the charger.




IAMMETER`s energy meter @ solaranzeige


Der Stromzähler WEM3080T wird über LAN angebunden und ist nach einem Solaranzeigen Update integriert. Es wird im Image 4.8.0 bzw. 5.0.7 direkt enthalten sein. Vielen Dank an Daniel Bechter, der die Erweiterung erstellt und geprüft hat.



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