Hello !
In French, "Yield Energie" is called "Energie produite".
"Energie produite" is gramatically more correct than "rendement energétique".
You might want to change the translation when updating;)
The efficiency line is incomplete.
this should be ( in the case of the attached example )
8.38 kWh/ 8.42 kWh
You can also replace in the French translation "SPECIAL LOAD POWER" by "Charge spéciale"
thank you !
The power information put here in the overview is formed by summarizing (include inverter,feed-in,load,battery,special load), that is to say, the special load may be three-phase, or there may be multiple single-phase meters. In order to maintain logical consistency, it is better to choose a common name.
I noticed that for this graph :
you have not put a fixed legend for the graph, but you have taken the "term" that I had entered in the boxes "Name". :
This is convenient because everyone can change the names and put what he wants .... !
Could you put the same thing for these graphics ?
the load power can keep the name of "" because you can't customize its name in the parameters.
Updated. Thanks a lot.
Ok, I understand better !
YES, you can put "Période à analyser".
it will be perfect for hours, days, months, years.
This is what i said the common use of some items.
Can you provide a word to express "choose time"? It can be, an hour, a day, a month, a year.
I've just looked at the translations.
it's a great job !!!! and much more understandable for us FRENCH ! ;) 😃
and here, you put "the hour" but it should put "month".
Merci pour vos retours,
peut-être que cela sera possible lors de la refonte du logiciel....
car effectivement "mois" est différent de "jour".... mais ce n'est pas trop grave !
Thanks very much. We have adjusted some translations.
However, due to the common use of some items (2/4/7), it cannot be fully adjusted according to your suggestion.
7/ and there, the translation would be "jour".
8/ and there, the translation would be "Production"
4/ and there, the translation would be "Sélectionner les heures".
5/ and there, the translation would be "Gestion avancée heures/jour".
6/ and there, the translation would be "Taux par heure".
Thanks for your feedback, it's great to be able to interact and participate in the improvement of this program.😃
Ok, for the explanation on efficiency, I will analyze once I have some data.
Other point:
1/ You can also replace in the French translation "rendement" by "production" ( this is also correct in the Android application)
2/ and there, the translation would be "Panneaux photovoltaÏques" or "Panneaux solaires".
3/ and there, the translation would be "Tous mes lieux"
1 The translation had been corrected
About solar installation efficiency, please refer to this topic.