Hello !
In French, "Yield Energie" is called "Energie produite".
"Energie produite" is gramatically more correct than "rendement energétique".
You might want to change the translation when updating;)
The efficiency line is incomplete.
this should be ( in the case of the attached example )
8.38 kWh/ 8.42 kWh
Merci pour vos retours,
peut-être que cela sera possible lors de la refonte du logiciel....
car effectivement "mois" est différent de "jour".... mais ce n'est pas trop grave !
I've just looked at the translations.
it's a great job !!!! and much more understandable for us FRENCH ! ;) 😃
and here, you put "the hour" but it should put "month".
1 The translation had been corrected
About solar installation efficiency, please refer to this topic.
Thanks for your feedback, it's great to be able to interact and participate in the improvement of this program.😃
Ok, for the explanation on efficiency, I will analyze once I have some data.
Other point:
1/ You can also replace in the French translation "rendement" by "production" ( this is also correct in the Android application)
2/ and there, the translation would be "Panneaux photovoltaÏques" or "Panneaux solaires".
3/ and there, the translation would be "Tous mes lieux"
4/ and there, the translation would be "Sélectionner les heures".
5/ and there, the translation would be "Gestion avancée heures/jour".
6/ and there, the translation would be "Taux par heure".
7/ and there, the translation would be "jour".
8/ and there, the translation would be "Production"
Thanks very much. We have adjusted some translations.
However, due to the common use of some items (2/4/7), it cannot be fully adjusted according to your suggestion.
This is what i said the common use of some items.
Can you provide a word to express "choose time"? It can be, an hour, a day, a month, a year.
Ok, I understand better !
YES, you can put "Période à analyser".
it will be perfect for hours, days, months, years.
Updated. Thanks a lot.
I noticed that for this graph :
you have not put a fixed legend for the graph, but you have taken the "term" that I had entered in the boxes "Name". :
This is convenient because everyone can change the names and put what he wants .... !
Could you put the same thing for these graphics ?
the load power can keep the name of "" because you can't customize its name in the parameters.
The power information put here in the overview is formed by summarizing (include inverter,feed-in,load,battery,special load), that is to say, the special load may be three-phase, or there may be multiple single-phase meters. In order to maintain logical consistency, it is better to choose a common name.
You can also replace in the French translation "SPECIAL LOAD POWER" by "Charge spéciale"
thank you !