
is there any tasmota flashed relay that can be used with the IamMeter system.

I need a relay that opens or closes two cable connections from my heat pump. So I don't need a smart plug that turns on or off 230V mains, but I need an actual relay, that can connect or disconnect two external signal lines. 

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sonoff 4CH Pro has 4 relay that opens or closes two cable connections

it seems SonOff do not have such relay products.
You need to find the smart relay that have ESP8266 inside.
What is the maximum current in this loop?

Hi,is there any tasmota flashed relay that can be used with the IamMeter system.I need a relay that opens or closes two cable connections from my heat pump. So I don't need a smart plug that turns on or off 230V mains, but I need an actual relay, that can connect or disconnect two external signal lines. 
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