Assign a fixed IP - dont have ip assign via mac on router

I have an extended network with various routers and repeaters. I also have frequent powerfailures and exchange of routers due to lighting strikes. I run the latest 7.58 on 380.

Every time the full net restarts Iammeter may assign a new IP (DHCP). Cheap routers do not have the ability to assign IP by MAC.

Could a future update allow for fixed IP? So I dont have to manually scan the network find the IPO and update OpenHab bridge

Using OpenHab with a ewelink bridge for sonoff - The Iammeter bridge requires an IP to find the device.

Thank you M

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Hi, what script have you used?

Pyhton or Java 

May be I will send you a script for ssdp finding .

About static ip, we will discuss with my colleague your issues.

Hithank you for your answer.The issue is OpenHab and others like IP and if it runs I regularly have to adjust as I do have a very "dynamic" network. Frequent partial or full power failures.Also running more devices in the future may make it hard to manage when the ip´s are switchingThe alternative would be standard as is, but a fixed Ip can be given. If a user does this he/she should know what they are doing.Cheers MartinPS I have no idea how to get an IP using a script to use SSDP

Thanks for your suggestion.

we do not provide the static IP feature now . Because for the safety concern, the meter do not have hardware reset button.
If customer had set a static ip but finally forget it, it will be difficult to visit the device web again.
Base on this ,we do not provide the static ip setting, but support SSDP feature .
We think it is easy to find the device via the ssdp feature in LAN .


thank you for your answer.

The issue is OpenHab and others like IP and if it runs I regularly have to adjust as I do have a very "dynamic" network. Frequent partial or full power failures.

Also running more devices in the future may make it hard to manage when the ip´s are switching

The alternative would be standard as is, but a fixed Ip can be given. If a user does this he/she should know what they are doing.

Cheers Martin

PS I have no idea how to get an IP using a script to use SSDP


again thanks. 

"May be I will send you a script for ssdp finding ."

 If it would have to be basic Java but then its another bit of coding that could go wrong.

Why did I ask in the first place?

My background is large-scale commercial IT and national-international data/voice now semi-retired in Galicia Spain.

I m looking at easy integration of very small scale photovoltaic / autoconsumo - e.g. pumping excess 500w into water heater or running towel heaters or anything that can be wifi switched (sonoff) or wifi dimmed and generically allows to get a grip on consumption.

That is why I started using your product. Should be installed by a qualified elec but it is a 5 minutes job. Connect, may be put in an WifI extender and one has instant visibility.

Someone developed a "bridge" for sonoff without flashing for OpenHab - works extremely well. Your "bridge" for openhab works well just the issue with wandering IP.

In my house, I have an install of about 1.5Kw/p solar with microinverters and have started to switch excess loads to towel heaters underfloor warming etc. Just ordered a 1kw resistive load dimmer with wifi for the waterheater.

Also for your on line visual development, Europe and specifically Spain now have up to three-time tiers of using power during weekday for residential (super vale, vale y punto ! ) and complex tiers for commercial - month and time.

Just to explain

Greetings from Galicia

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