Hello how can i clear the data collected by a meter for it to start counting afresh ,for example i use the meter on one site today then tomorrow i use it on another site how will i format the meter to start counting afresh from 0.
The kWh reading can only be reset by the modbus/RTU command like this
The command can only be sent by RS485 interface.
here is how i have connected it but cannot connect to the system
attached are the images
https://we.tl/t-63hcD2OXbG here is the link to the photos
I can not see the pic by your link.
You can paste the pic directly here in this forum
By the way ,most of the serial software is easy to use ,just select the correct baud rate(9600) and choose send the command in "hex mode"
The picture upload functions are not working i have tried to upload no sucess.
I always paste it (ctrl+V)directly here and it is always successful.
The below pic is pasted here directly
The below is uploaded here by the above button in rectangle and it is also successful.
However, I think you can solve this problem easily.
If you think the serial software you used is difficult, just select another software.
There are a lot of serial software on the internet.
Please make sure that the serial port is correct and can be opened by the software.
This has nothing to do with the RS485 client(energy meter), even if you do not connect the energy meter,you can also open the serial port if you have plug the RS485/USD into the laptop. But now ,it prompts port closed.
I guess you have not installed the driver of the USB dongle (USB-RS485) correctly