
The first device has arrived. ( WEM3080T 500A). 

I am currently testing it. In the near future, I would like to install the device in places where the current is more than 500A.

I read about the double ct solution.

My question is, is it also possible to change the Ct in local mode (Lan), or do I only see the value correctly in the cloud application after the setting?

I saw here on the forum that you will provide a new product that supports standard 5A CT input in near future. If the double ct solution also works in local mode, then I would use it until development.

Best regards,


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Ok, I get it.

Thanks for the quick response.

“My question is, is it also possible to change the Ct in local mode (Lan), or do I only see the value correctly in the cloud application after the setting?”

Yes, the double CT result is only displayed in the cloud application .

In fact ,the double CT ratio is input in the cloud application and is used to multiply the power reading ,current and kWh of the original reading.
The energy meter do not know whether it is used in double CT solution or not, so it only output the original reading value.

"I saw here on the forum that you will provide a new product that supports standard 5A CT input in near future. If the double ct solution also works in local mode, then I would use it until development."

Yes ,the new product support input the ratio in the energy meter (not the cloud application), then the energy meter will know the ratio(xxx:5) and output the final current ,power reading and kWh directly.

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