WEM3080T does not reconnects to WiFi after Router reboot - manually only


if my router reboots (Dlink Dir-655), WEM3080T does not connect to the router automatically. (even not after an hour about) That means if I reboot my router remotely I have no chance to connect iMeter to WiFi network. If I enter the Wifi pw to iMeter manually than it reconnects. 

Do you have a solution/experience on that PLS? Thanks Gabor

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This is the reconnect logic of the WEM3080T

1 when it does not connect to the router,it is in AP mode, the SSID of iMeter_sn is shown around.

2 when it connect the router successfully, it will enter the sta mode ,the AP named iMeter_sn would disappear.

3 when it lose connection with the router ,it will enter AP mode again,but it will try to connect the router every 10 mins

when your router is power reset, the WEM3080T will lose connection with the router ,so it will enter AP mode.

But it will try to reconnect the router every 10 mins(the reconnection is not always done,but in every 10 mins)

So even if you do not connect it manually,it still will be connected to the router after 10 mins.

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