How to Select Grid or Inverter Type for Meter

I have recently Installed a 3 Phase IAMMETER on a single phase grid and single phase solar installation. 

Due to incorrect CT placements I had to reset the readings by deleting the original "Place"" , correct the CT placements and create a new "Place". The problem is I can't set the Meter types ie I want to have  "-a" set as Grid and "-b" set  as  "Ïnverter" but when I click on Meters there is no longer an option to select Meter type and/or rename them.

Where has this option gone?

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The page where you can change the meter type is here (Place->edit).

not Meters->edit

Thats was my problem I did not have the same options. When I clicked on My Places it showed my place but when I clicked on  Edit,  the meters did not come up. 

Also clicking on My Place name at the top it did not have the same page ie no photo to the right I deleted "My Place" again 2 more times eventually the options changed and I was able to get in to edit the -a, --b & -c meters. Also despite entering correct data for location it kept showing a map of some place in Italy.

Anyway all appears ok at moment just need to collect some data to make sure it is working correctly.

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