electricity tariff template collection(fixed rates ,time of use rates and tiered rates etc...)

electricity tariff template collection


Set tiered rates in the time of use rates(TOU)

The electricity bills template of IAMMETER

Set tiered rates in the time of use rates(TOU)

IAMMETER just supports a new electricity tariff template.

In this electricity bills template, you can set the tiered rates in the time of use (TOU) rates, like the below pics.




We add this electricity bills template because we receive a suggestion from our customer. 

The suggestion describes very clearly, including both instructions and examples. It makes us easy to adopt this template in the IAMMETER system. 

We decide to list this suggestion here as another "template". Hope everyone can post your suggestion as clearly as this later. 


Hi there,

at first thanks for this wonderful metter.

All in all is great meter, but now with this world energy crisis our country North Macedonia and also Albania and Serbia and few other countries have brought "Block Tarrifs" that means that they have diferent prices during the Peak time (high cost kW). That means that we have one price for the Peak kW usage in first block , other for the seccond and also for the third and fourth block.

\1. We have 7.72 ден for the first tarrif during the Peak time from 0>220 kWh

\2. We have 8.08 ден for the seccond tarrif during the Peak time from 221>630 kWh

\3. We have 8.65 ден for the third tarrif during the Peak time from 631>1050 kW

\4. We have 17.47 ден for the fouth tarrif during the Peak time usage and that is >1051 kWh

For the Off-Peak we have static price of 3.99 МКД ден

As you can see the above prices for these Block tarrifs are diferent and they are only for the Peak time kW usage. I think more countries will follow with this kind of price calculation for consumption during the Peak time kW usage.

Can you please consider adding such option in Advanced Time of Use so your app can calculate the exact price in the end.

Thanks for understanding and i hope you will add this to this great app and metter.

Keep the good work and have a nice day.

Let say i use 1200 kWH during the Peak time and 300 kWH for the off-Peak. (this is for 30day/montly kWH usage calculation)

so from 0>210 kWH i have price 210 kWH x 7.72 MKD den = 1621.2 MKD den

from 211>630 kWH i have price 419 kWH x 8.08 MKD den = 3385.52 MKD den

from 631>1050 kWH i have price 419 kWh x 8.65 MKD den = 3624.35 MKD den

from >1051 kWH i have price 149 kWH x 17.47 MKD den = 2603.03 MKD den

so total for the above Peak tariff usage is = 11234.1 MKD den

The off-Peak is with fixed price 3.99 MKD den so if i use 300 kWH that will be = 1197 MKD den

Total for both Peak and off-Peak is = 12431.1 MKD den

Thanks for the fast response

If your electricity tariff template is still not supported by IAMMETER, please describe it here, as detail as possible, like this template. We have a plan to support more electricity bill templates in the near future




The electricity bills template of IAMMETER

IAMMETER has supported many electricity tariffs templates, such as

  • fixed rates
  • tiered rates
  • time of use rates
  • Advanced time of use rates.



For more details please refer to how to set your electricity bills template in IAMMTER


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Hi there, i wrote you email but maybe you missunderstand it. I need this Tiered option to be integrated in Advanced Time of Use, and also please give example how to enter the price values in the tiered Monthly Standard electricity consumption, taken from the prices above. 

Thanks one more time for your effort

Have a nice day


I have forward your requirements(Advanced time of USE together with tiered rate) to my colleagues, they will give this to our roadmap in future upgrading

This is the example of how to set the electricity bill template with a time of use rate together with tired rate


Hi there, i wrote you email but maybe you missunderstand it. I need this Tiered option to be integrated in Advanced Time of Use, and also please give example how to enter the price values in the tiered Monthly Standard electricity consumption, taken from the prices above. Thanks one more time for your effortHave a nice day

Hi @laoliu,

I have recently purchased and installed WEM3080 single phase meter.
Extremely impressed with the value and function and ease of Home Assistant integration.
Iammeter Cloud was not a purchase consideration, and it is a very welcome dashboard.

Can you please consider implementing further tariff versatility:

My provider's current tariffs are:

\1. Off-peak 1am-6am - $0.265/kWh
\2. Peak 6am-10am, 3pm-1am - $0.375/kWh
\3. Shoulder 10am-3pm - $0.230/kWh

\4. Premium Feed-In tariff - $0.440/kWh
\5. Solar - first 10kW/day - $0.090/kWh*
\6. Solar - after 10kW/day - $0.065/kWh*

Supplier charges
\7. Supply charge - $0.710/day*
\8. Subscription charge - $14.990/mth

Items 1-4 and 8 below are already implemented (I use 'Standard' for the shoulder rate)
- Possibility for custom field name to align with billing name perhaps?

Items 5-6 would need multiple tariffs with a tiered rate addition for Exported Energy
- Same configuration as import tariffs would be suitable

Item 7 would require an additional field above Fixed Charge (Monthly) perhaps


Hi :

Thanks for your detailed information, 

Regarding items 5-6, I will forward this to my colleagues responsible for product upgrading.

Regarding 7-8

There is a fixed monthly charge now, maybe you can multiply the daily cost by 30 and add it with the other monthly fee as the final " Fixed Charge (Monthly)" and input it here.

I know there will be a little error because the days in the month are not fixed in 30. In my personal opinion, this error is minor.
There will be a one-day charge error (0.710) in the month of Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Oct, and Dec.
February may have a one-day or two-day(every four years) charge error.
The other months will be accurate.

Hi @laoliu,I have recently purchased and installed WEM3080 single phase meter.Extremely impressed with the value and function and ease of Home Assistant integration.Iammeter Cloud was not a purchase consideration, and it is a very welcome dashboard.Can you please consider implementing further tariff versatility:My provider's current tariffs are:Import*\1. Off-peak 1am-6am       -  $0.265/kWh\2. Peak 6am-10am, 3pm-1am -  $0.375/kWh\3. Shoulder 10am-3pm      -  $0.230/kWh    Export          


Thank you for the quick response.

I appreciate you forwarding the solar tariffs for consideration.

I hadn't considered using the monthly to also cover the daily, I have just implemented now - thank you.

Preference would be to list separately as it indicates charges added from another source, but this will provide better indication of usage.

I'm not concerned regarding leap year as tariffs are likely to change prior to this occurrence

Hi :Thanks for your detailed information, Regarding items 5-6, I will forward this to my colleagues responsible for product upgrading.Regarding 7-8There is a fixed monthly charge now, maybe you can multiply the daily cost by 30 and add it with the other monthly fee as the final " Fixed Charge (Monthly)" and input it here.I know there will be a little error because the days in the month are not fixed in 30. In my personal opinion, this error is minor.There will be a one-day charge error (0.7


Hi,Thank you for the quick response.I appreciate you forwarding the solar tariffs for consideration.I hadn't considered using the monthly to also cover the daily, I have just implemented now - thank you.Preference would be to list separately as it indicates charges added from another source, but this will provide better indication of usage.I'm not concerned regarding leap year as tariffs are likely to change prior to this occurrence

Excellent - thank you and the team for the speedy response and implementation.

Very impressive


Hey everyone, I just wanted to express my gratitude for all the hard work you've been doing. 

Recently, I received a new energy plan and I've been trying to integrate my Iameter monitor which I've been using for a few years.

I'm having trouble saving the changes for the tiered rate for Exported Energy. 

I enter the values (below) and hit save, but when I go back to edit it, the rate reverts back to a fixed rate. 

Can you please guide me on what I might be doing wrong?


For previously established places, the setting of the tiered rate for Exported Energy will fail under certain circumstances. This problem has been fixed, please try again. 

Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Hey everyone, I just wanted to express my gratitude for all the hard work you've been doing. Recently, I received a new energy plan and I've been trying to integrate my Iameter monitor which I've been using for a few years.I'm having trouble saving the changes for the tiered rate for Exported Energy. I enter the values (below) and hit save, but when I go back to edit it, the rate reverts back to a fixed rate. Can you please guide me on what I might be doing wrong?

You guys rock! 

Everything is good now. Thank you again!

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