Hi there,


As a professional solar PV system monitoring and energy consumption monitoring solution provider, IAMMETER has been committed to providing better products and systems related to solar PV system and energy consumption monitoring. Our products and systems have been updated frequently in order to provide better products and services to end customers and agents.


However, we should do much more for advertising, although many customers continue to repurchase or introduce their friends to buy our products after their first order.

In order to let more people know our system, we launched this long-term promotion.


From now on, all users who have posted a topic or reply related to the IAMMETER system and platform in other places (forums, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) can follow up this post and contact us. We will give out small gifts accordingly. These gifts will be sent from China with free shipping.


The types of small gifts will be some open source hardware products, or some products that can be integrated with the IAMMETER platform.

The first small gift is an open source temperature & humidity monitor with cloud service. For more details, please refer to



Your sincerely,

DeviceBit Team

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Thanks Jorge

You make the first comments in our amazon store(amazon.mx), thanks for your warm comments.

Please contact us by our feedback system.  https://www.iammeter.com/docs/feedback-and-notification

we will send you a smart plug  or a smart switch for free. It can be triggered from IAMMETER(by the real time data ) .

It will help you to improve the self-consumption rate of your system.

Thanks again.

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