MQTT to Home Assistant first (Mosquitto broker)

I am thrilled with your product and believe it is the best on the market.

Your power meter monitoring system is more than awesome and I would like to keep it. 

Because my Home automation is based on MQTT, my current setup is: iaMmmeter -> iaMmmeter brocker -> Home Assistant brocker.

Almost whole home automation is based on the measurements taken from my WEM3080T but instability in my internet connection prevents the proper functionality of my home automation.

I would like to have an option for setup as: iaMmmeter ->  Home Assistant brocker -> iaMmmeter brocker.

In this case, I will still use the Iammeter cloud monitoring system and my automation will stay always fed from my iammeter from my local network.

Thanks in advance,


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Yes, they indeed have such differences.
If you want to get the energy data at a faster frequency, the IAMMETER HA integration is not enough(it is fixed in 30 seconds in HA). 

Could you tell me what the factory version of your IAMMETER products is?
If it meets the ver requirements, there is another solution that can refresh the energy data output every 1 second (not 6 seconds).

The solution is to use the Modbus/TCP sensor in the Home assistant

I tried it but the refresh is slow and that's why I turn it to MQTT (6 sec refresh). In the automation, I have integrated an EV Charging system that adjusts the charging rate depending on the data from IAMMETER.

I'm only a novice at all of this having only got everything set up for a few days. I also use the WEM3080T. I have:

 IamMeter -> local IamMeter Docker App -> IamMeterCloud -> Home Assistant

I think development should focus on the IamMeter Docker App so we could do: 

IamMeter -> local IamMeter Docker App -> Home Assistant and:

 IamMeter Docker App -> IamMeterCloud

The Docker App and MySql (MariaDB) Database is hosted locally on my Synology NAS . This has the added advantage of collecting the raw meter data in a SQL database which can also be connected to Home Assistant if there is something crazy you want to do. eg. You could create custom SQL views to summarise or extract data that was then read by Home Assistant. The views would be external to any software co no development required.

Hi Kirk:

So glad to hear that you like our products, thanks (If you buy it from amazon or aliexpress, so appreciate if you can leave some comments there .😁)

About your question, I have the same suggestion as rodweb, You can consider using the IAMMETER-docker as the bridge to the IAMMETER-cloud and home assistant.

About the IAMMETER-docker app

1 it can be local deployed and will not be affected by the " instability of the internet connection"

2 it also supports the mqtt (there is an MQTT broker integrated into the IAMMETER-docker), please refer to

This means you can also subscribe the energy data from the IAMMETER-docker by MQTT, the same way as the IAMMETER-cloud.

The only difference is the IAMMETER-docker is deployed locally.

3 IAMMETER-docker can also upload data to IAMMETER-cloud



Besides this, you can also do a lot of second development works in the IAMMETER-docker.
Not only the local SQL storage but also provide many API  

After you deploy IAMMETER-docker locally, you can visit  http://your URL:port/docs/ to see the API details that had been supported by the IAMMETER-docker.

I am thrilled with your product and believe it is the best on the market.Your power meter monitoring system is more than awesome and I would like to keep it. Because my Home automation is based on MQTT, my current setup is: iaMmmeter -> iaMmmeter brocker -> Home Assistant brocker.Almost whole home automation is based on the measurements taken from my WEM3080T but instability in my internet connection prevents the proper functionality of my home automation.I would like to have an opti


Thanks for your explanation and I'll try it that way but looks to me like a complex thing. 

I think the solution you provided is a perfect solution for deep professional analyse and self-statistics data management. 
As I am a home user (I believe and many others who use Home Assistant) the IaMMETER-Cloud statistics are more than enough and it is perfectly stable and reliable. 

What I need is the simplicity and stability of the Home Assistant running standalone on Raspberry Pi4 with a 128GB card. I tried MQTT setup IAMMETER -> HA (mosquito) and it works flawlessly but I am not good at creating statistics and I don't need it because IAMMETER-Cloud is perfect for it. 

I still believe (if that is not too much work) that the best solution will be if IAMMETER-Cloud can be used as a Client or a Brocker.

Btw, A few years ago WEM3080 and last year WEM3080T I bought directly from Iammeter and I am very happy with the provided service, so I'll stick to it 😊

I still believe (if that is not too much work) that the best solution will be if IAMMETER-Cloud can be used as a Client or a Brocker.

Do you mean this

yes, I am using it at the moment. My HA (Mosquito) every 6 sec getting MQTT data from IAMMETER broker (iammmeter -> iammeter broker -> Home Assistant broker)

What I am saying is that it will be good if I it can be possible to subscribe IAMMETER cloud to my HA broker (iaMmmeter ->  Home Assistant brocker -> iammeter broker)


Maybe you can consider using the IAMMETER home assistant integration directly, like this pic

The only difference is the data of the energy meter is pushed into the HA by the home assistant integration, not MQTT.

I tried it but the refresh is slow and that's why I turn it to MQTT (6 sec refresh). 

In the automation, I have integrated an EV Charging system that adjusts the charging rate depending on the data from IAMMETER.

Hi Iammeter

Thank you !!!

I've updated the firmware, never used it, but I set up Modbus on my HA, and ALL WORKS PERFECTLY exactly in the way how I want !!!

No further comments. You prove that you are the best.

Hi Kirk:

In fact, I think what you had done is very cool.
Control and optimize the energy exchange locally by the energy meter and home assistant, using IAMMETER-cloud to check the result after optimization.

We always want to find an easy-to-use solution that can optimize the solar PV system(such as improving the self-use rate or controlling the charge and discharge time of the battery at a proper time).
So we once initial activities like this

If it is convenient, can you share some of your ideas about your works?
The activity in the above link is still valid.


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