Hello I would like an info following the guide from here: I have implemented iammeter with grafana in home assisatant according to the wiring diagram there are 3 pliers (ct) but in the packages solariammeter.yaml are used only used a = ct1 b = ct2 I would like to understand 2 = ct3 because it is not mentioned in the calculation my iammeter is 380t thank you
You can add a judgment of sensor.yield_energy_monthly>0 to value_template
hi I realized today that he no longer gives me the data in percentage and home assistant from this error
ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template_entity] TemplateError('ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero') while processing template 'Template("{{ states('sensor.selfuse_energy_monthly')|float / states('sensor.yield_energy_monthly')|float }}")' for attribute '_attr_native_value' in entity 'sensor.self_consumption_rate_monthly'
help please
Thank you for the explanation. I understand how it works. sorry if I drive you crazy. You are very kind and very good at explanations
The WEM3080T(three phase energy meter) supports split-phase usage,
You can consider it as three single-phase energy meters.
When you use it to monitor the solar PV system that both inverter and grid are single-phase, you just need to use two phases of the three.
One phase is used to monitor the grid export/import, one phase is used to monitor the inverter output.
Then all other parameters will result from the calculation of these two phase .
How to calculate the other parameters ,please refer to
Although it is an article about the monitor the solar PV in home assistant, parameter calculation section is based on a universal formula.
I would like an info
following the guide from here:
I have implemented iammeter with grafana in home assisatant
according to the wiring diagram there are 3 pliers (ct) but in the packages solariammeter.yaml are used only used
a = ct1
b = ct2
I would like to understand
2 = ct3
because it is not mentioned in the calculation
my iammeter is 380t
thank you