Auto sending settings - MQTT, why i receive message even though the trigger value is not excceded


I will MQTT controll EXPORT energy! (-)

My trigger settings: 

Threshold < -4200 set power ON (1)

Threshold > -3200 set power OFF (0)

The MQTT command connection is OK, but i receive  message even though the trigger value is not exceeded..

Any suggestion how to adjust the settings for control in negative direction?




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Why is not 1 x ON then 1 x OFF ?

This is the trigger logic introduction.

In your setting,

The trigger condition is greater than -3200 or less than -4200, and you select the edge trigger mode.
The edge trigger mode means the function will only be triggered by the switching process.
>-3200: this condition will be triggered while the latest uploading power value is greater than -3200 and the previous uploading power value is less than -3200
<-4200: this condition will be triggered while the latest uploading power value is less than -4200 and the previous uploading power value is greater than -4200

When the switching happens (greater to less or less to greater), the trigger condition will be met.

You can review your historic record and check whether the trigger time point is correct.

From the snapshot of the MQTT log , we find a problem that we do not process time zone in MQTT trigger log(the time there are all in GMT+8 ).
Now we have just fixed this problem.
So when you review the MQTT trigger log , you will find the timestamp is changed to the timezone in your setting.

It is 247 x power ON (1) and 671 x power OFF (0) ???Why is not 1 x ON then 1 x OFF ?

It is 247 x power ON (1) and 671 x power OFF (0) ???

Why is not 1 x ON then 1 x OFF ?


please also give us the snapshot of the "MQTT logs" like below pics.


thanks for answer, 

If this one snapshot is not real, please suggest what type of snapshot should i send.

Please show us 

1 the MQTT setting in your account 

2 the MQTT trigger log

please hide the SN in your snapshot

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