How to reset the kwh energy data in 3 phase energy data and single-phase energy data.

Some customers ask for the method to reset kwh data of the energy meter.
The kwh data is a accumulative data, IAMMETER use this accumulative data to calculate the periodic data (hourly ,daily ,monthly..) , resetting the kwh will introduce calculation error in IAMMETER.
So we do not provide an easy method(such as providing a button in app) to do this .

If you want to use this energy meter in a new project, you can delete the "place" in IAMMETER cloud and re-create it again.
Then it will look like a new meter in IAMMETER cloud. The none-zero kwh will not affect the calculation in IAMMETER.

But If you still want to reset the kwh in the energy meter, you need to wire the RS485 and send the Modbus command to the energy meter.
RS485 9600/8/N/1

For three phase energy meter 

01 10 00 63 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 B5 92 (reset the forward kwh data)
01 10 00 66 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 75 AD (reset the reverse kwh data)

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Clear the single-phase energy meter kwh (both forward and reverse)

01 10 00 0C 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 F3 FA 

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