Negative values on 3 phases installation (without solar installation)


I just install the 3 phases Iammeter with success. The values are displayed on the web and on the app.

But for CTB and CTC the values are negative. The only positive I get is the CTA.

I'm sure that the direction K->L have been respected because I install it myself.

The 3 phases are connected to the grid (no solar installation).

I notice also that the current voltage is wrong on CTB and CTC. It says:

U: CTA: 238V (correct), CTB: 417V (not possible, my installation is 240V), CTC: 413V (not possible also)

I have a "exported energy values" CTB and CTC which is not correct.

Do I miss something in the installation ?

Can I safely inverse CTB and CTC ?

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Ok I found what happens. I have connected the neutral in the A phase. Now all is allright. Sorry for any convenience

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