Seperate 1 Line of a three phase iammeter

is it possible to sepereate one line of an 3080T to an other Place

or give them a seperate "Meter only"  function ?  

that meens this port did not calculate it together to the others.

br Harry

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Hi, I have already hidden the SN in the pic.

Yes , most of the energy and power calculation in IAMMETER in only about the meter type of "grid" and "inverter".
If you want to record the power and energy of an independent circuit, and do not want to make it calculate with other meters reading.
You can use the meter type of "load"

this means when i set it to load it will not calculate thogether with the main Meter to the load ?

Hi, IAMMETER do not support moving one phase data to another place.But if you only want to that data do not participate in the calculation, you can choose the meter type of that phase as "load"The data of "load" type will not participate in most of the calculations in IAMMETER-cloud. By the way, please hide the real sn when you post your question in public.

hi can you delete the Picture with the serail numbers thx😅

Hi, IAMMETER do not support moving one phase data to another place.But if you only want to that data do not participate in the calculation, you can choose the meter type of that phase as "load"The data of "load" type will not participate in most of the calculations in IAMMETER-cloud. By the way, please hide the real sn when you post your question in public.


IAMMETER do not support moving one phase data to another place.

But if you only want to that data do not participate in the calculation, you can choose the meter type of that phase as "load"

The data of "load" type will not participate in most of the calculations in IAMMETER-cloud. 

By the way, please hide the real sn when you post your question in public.

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