what are the most favorite features you want to IAMMETER-cloud provided?

Please let me know, what are the most favorite features you want to IAMMETER-cloud provided?

Reports, APIs interface, Monitoring view etc... 

Please advise.

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So that sensors available to home assistant can be directly integrated to their energy monitor baked in integration.  Presently there's no way to make it work well, even with the HA utility meters, especially if you are monitoring a battery.  Some of this issue however will need futher work from the team at HA to add further features also.  For the present time the iammeter cloud is perfect for me at least.

Please let me know, what are the most favorite features you want to IAMMETER-cloud provided?Reports, APIs interface, Monitoring view etc... Please advise.

It would be realy fine to see how much energy goes to battery and from battery like yield energy (self use and export / green orange), with the drop down menu change to battery, or better it would be to see a combination from yield and battery at one view.
make different colors near the yield and it would looks so nice! Also the summery of the battery meter (how much kwh go from yield/grid to battery and how much kwh from battery to grid) 

I think it would not be complicated to make this overview from day to day, but then i would see how many energy every day i save with my battery.

This is only a private requirement(it is not useful for other users), not the suggestion we mentioned in this post.

is it possible to get a rs485 communication from my battery BMS to my single meter? And then it be possible to see the capacity of storage in % and voltage.... my BMS: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4001321708781.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.105a272b5rbTtl&algo_pvid=e2568cfb-135d-48ae-9496-671cece1f8e4&aem_p4p_detail=202108260303004166977956612480027964239&algo_exp_id=e2568cfb-135d-48ae-9496-671cece1f8e4-6


not necessarily linked to iammeter cloud
but if we could assign a fixed ip to the iammeter it would simplify the use with home assistant

You write on app feedback i should write it here. So i done. And if it would work others can buy the same bms for there batterys. I think.

This is only a private requirement(it is not useful for other users), not the suggestion we mentioned in this post.

Hi, you can use the IAMMETER app to configure the static IP of the product.

Hellonot necessarily linked to iammeter cloud
but if we could assign a fixed ip to the iammeter it would simplify the use with home assistantthks
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