Install iammeter on Solar system with backup

Team, I am using 3 phase iammeter with existing one phase solar system and I am very satisfied with it. Two CT enogh to measure the Grid balance, the Load and the Inverter Production and you can measure that for any period.

Now I would like to use iammeters with a 3 phase Solinteg solar system where I have difficulties and need your advise PLS.  1) Inverter and the Grid entry point  is 25 m far, 2) Inverter has one connection to GRID and other one to Backup(third one to solar and forth one to Battery. (is it enough to measure Production to put the CTs to the GRID line, or I need another iammater to backup line as well..?etc.. (1xUtility entry point, 1x Inverter GRID connection and 1x Inverter backup connection....? or 2 is enough or even more is needed?)

How many iammeter do I need PLS and to where how should I install the CT-s, how should I configure iammeter to get correct Load/Production parameters PLS?

Are you working with Inverter providers(Solinteg in this case) together to integrate iammeter with their system PLS? (in this specific case Solinteg already has a Smart meter next to utility entry point what is linked via RS 485 to Solinteg inverter, but the way how they represent load and production figures in their app is far behind the solution of iammeter and do  not meet my needs... (you can't select period where you want to see detailed production cosumption data for example) Thanks Gabor

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1 The IAMMETER`s product can not communicate with Solinteg inverter via RS485. But if Solinteg inverter provide cloud API ,we can support it in our virtual meter ,we would confirm this later.

2 sorry I am a little confused regarding the below description. 

Do you mean you change your 1phase inverter to a 3phase hybrid inverter?

How many inverters do you have in your system?

"2) Inverter has one connection to GRID and other one to Backup(third one to solar and forth one to Battery. (is it enough to measure Production to put the CTs to the GRID line, or I need another iammater to backup line as well..?etc.."

Please give me a simple sketchmap to describe your system connection.

Sorry Team from my delayed answer, I was away from my computer for weeks. 

The link in manual above on page 27 shows the Solinteg system wiring. the  consumption has two source "backup and grid" that makes for me difficult to find the right setup..

On other hand when I checked my iammeter today, I just recognized your news about "How to integrate 3rd-party smart meter into IAMMETR-cloud" what you mentioned in your answer above as well I think.. - that would be the ideal solution for me.. - if it could work with Solinteg...  :)

Can Solinteg (3ph with battery) integrated to iammeter or do you have such plans PLS in near future PLS..?

(Can such itegration provide data about Battery as well.?)




"On other hand when I checked my iammeter today, I just recognized your news about "How to integrate 3rd-party smart meter into IAMMETR-cloud" what you mentioned in your answer above as well I think.. - that would be the ideal solution for me.. - if it could work with Solinteg...  :)“

I have reply this question in this topic integrate 3rd-party smart meter into IAMMETR cloud - Solinteg

If you want to fetch your inverter's data to IAMMETER-Cloud, there is a possible method.

We can support this through our virtual meter feature, as described here:
Virtual Meter – IAMMETER

However, two conditions must be met:

  1. You must already be monitoring your inverter on its official portal system.
  2. You must provide us with your account information for the official portal system for testing (please email us).

Once these conditions are met, we will develop a solution to fetch your inverter's data from the official portal system and integrate it into IAMMETER-Cloud.

This is the fundamental working principle of the virtual meter.

Hi laoliu,

thanks for your answer - this is exactly I was talking about. I am really curious how it works but limitation for 6 Months makes some concerns and it would be good to see the cost after 6 Month as well if possible. (I am using iammeter on one of my plants but it would be good to see both inverters on the iammeter platform..)

If you provides me  an email, I can invite you to my inverter as a guest. You won't be able to change any settings, but you can create data templates(adding removing measured parameters) and export these data in xls..

After I add you as guest to my inverter you will get an email notification and a temporary password to log in to site. After some basic settings like date format, Profit, Cost of energy, and currency you will need to change the password and your will have access to a basic overview and to reporting page where you can create your own report(best to use every available parameter..)

Thanks Gabor


Please email us

we do not need to adjust any setting of your account ,just need to test the API return from



Hi Laoliu,

I shared my inverter with email as guest account (built in feature of Solinteg app), you will get an email notification and a temporary password from Solinteg, where when I tested the user name is your email address and the default pw is SolarEnergy(I think this will be in your email, when I tested that was the logic of guest account) Even if you don't need/want to modify anything you will be asked at first login about country (Hungary)  Date format (YYYY-MM-DD, we use same format like you do - not to much country in the word.. :), profit 5 HUF, cost 38 HUF what are used in Hungary. They will ask for it even if you don't want to modify anything (but you are not modifying my settings (which are the same like above), but you will make it for the account only.

Keep me informed about the progression PLS how it work.. 

Thank you 


Hi Gabor,

Yes, we got the email and it is already forwarded to our develop team.



Gabor:1 The IAMMETER`s product can not communicate with Solinteg inverter via RS485. But if Solinteg inverter provide cloud API ,we can support it in our virtual meter ,we would confirm this later.2 sorry I am a little confused regarding the below description. Do you mean you change your 1phase inverter to a 3phase hybrid inverter?How many inverters do you have in your system?"2) Inverter has one connection to GRID and other one to Backup(third one to solar and forth one to Batter

Hi Laoliu,

thanks for your answer. I have 2 Solar systems, one 1 phase, hard wired with WEM3080T and working well (simple system, no battery, not capable to work and provide backup during power outage and no backup wiring therefore - my inverter there is SAJ, but WEM3080T provides here me every details I need like Yield, Consumption, Special load, MQTT control of smart plug etc....), the other one we are talking about right now is a 3pahse Solinteg inverter system where I would like to have virtual meter installed if you can integrate Solinteg's smart meter to iammeter's could. This is a relatively complex system not just from devices (inverter, battery, solar) but mainly from topology point of view (inverter electric meter are far from each other, Wifi coverage is stable only by inverter(Solinteg Smart meter has 30m RS485 wiring to inverter)  and Inverter has backup wiring as well) - to link this system without virtual integration of Solinteg smart meter to iammeter, would not be easy here.. (I would need to extend my wifi network and more WEM3080T would be needed I think to properly measure all details.) After integrating my Solinteg system to iammeter could, I could see my two systems in one platform and could evaluate them on similar way... (and Virtal meter may have MQTT as well what opens another world - currently Solinteg Inverter has one smart relay only what is a limitation regarding smart consumption control compared to MQTT...) I hope I answered your questions but if not let me know.. Thanks Gabor

Hi Gabor, please refer to

Hi Laoliu,thanks for your answer. I have 2 Solar systems, one 1 phase, hard wired with WEM3080T and working well (simple system, no battery, not capable to work and provide backup during power outage and no backup wiring therefore - my inverter there is SAJ, but WEM3080T provides here me every details I need like Yield, Consumption, Special load, MQTT control of smart plug etc....), the other one we are talking about right now is a 3pahse Solinteg inverter system where I would like to have virtu

Hi Laoliu,

thanks for you quick actions. Battery is missing from "Select Data Items to Upload" part, only "A" - Yield and "B" - exported energy, can be added to virtual meter. I see at other inverters "C" charging energy and discharging energy can be added to "Data preview" of Virtual meter as well. Could it be added to Solinteg Virtual Inverter as well PLS..? Thanks Gabor


Because I did not see the cumulative charge/discharge values on the account interface you provided, I am unable to calculate the value you mentioned. If you know which page contains them, please take a screenshot and send it.

Hi Laoliu,thanks for you quick actions. Battery is missing from "Select Data Items to Upload" part, only "A" - Yield and "B" - exported energy, can be added to virtual meter. I see at other inverters "C" charging energy and discharging energy can be added to "Data preview" of Virtual meter as well. Could it be added to Solinteg Virtual Inverter as well PLS..? Thanks Gabor

Hi Wilson,

good point. 

1) PLS log in to the site of my inverter

2) On left Menu bar select "Plants" end double click on my inverter on main page (Plant name: Bányai Gábor)

3) You will see an inverter overview page with following menus on top (Overview - Devices - Alarm) select "Devices" here PLS, and on main page doube-click on the inverter (Device name: Solinteg)

4) On Top you will see here "Real-time info" "Power/Production" "Professional parameters" "Alarm"  (I think Professional parameters page is very detailed it covers everything could be needed here - I don't know how many details you can feed in to iammeter cloud. (information by phases would be interesting as well for example, but SOC is really necessary I think..)

I have doublechecked, guest accounts can see that as well, but let me know PLS if you have any questions

Thanks Gabor


Based on what we've gathered so far, we need to adjust our data acquisition logic. We'll let you know as soon as testing is complete.

Hi Wilson,good point. 1) PLS log in to the site of my inverter2) On left Menu bar select "Plants" end double click on my inverter on main page (Plant name: Bányai Gábor)3) You will see an inverter overview page with following menus on top (Overview - Devices - Alarm) select "Devices" here PLS, and on main page doube-click on the inverter (Device name: Solinteg)4) On Top you will see here "Real-time info" "Power/Production" "Professional parameters" "Alarm"  (I think Professional parame

Thanks Wilson, just take the time you need - I am thankful for your efforts.


The new data acquisition method has been updated. You will need to reconfigure the virtual meter for it to take effect. Also, please note the following three points:

  1. There is an issue with the total power generation on the Solinteg page between 0:00 and 1:00 every day—it appears lower, so we will not upload data during this time.
  2. For the inverter, since there are two sets of data (pv1 and pv2), we sum the currents and then calculate the voltage based on the power.
  3. The grid meter does not provide voltage or current readings; instead, we use the inverter’s voltage and calculate the current from the grid power.

Thanks Wilson, just take the time you need - I am thankful for your efforts.

Thanks Wilson,

I have created the Virtual Meter successfully and added A-B-C items, but I have some questions PLS.

1) it seems that desktop and app shows different results. In App "C" is strikethrough, but in Desktop "C" seems operating properly


 2) Can you tell me PLS what is Power now? (I don't see any parameter like - consumption, grid power or Yield etc.. what reached 5.29kW today..)


3) I see visualization for virtual meter is different than for normal iammeter . Can I set the same for virtual meter as well PLS? (In Mobile app and Desktop version as well) Backup would be the special load, Middle the Consumption, Yield, Grid and Battery, like below...

it looks like this now:


1) On the app, you can click the chart legend to toggle the display on or off.

2) The other issues are related to your configuration of "Place". You need to edit the place settings and assign the corresponding usage types—Inverter, Grid, and AC Storage—to phases A, B, and C respectively.

Thanks Wilson,I have created the Virtual Meter successfully and added A-B-C items, but I have some questions PLS.1) it seems that desktop and app shows different results. In App "C" is strikethrough, but in Desktop "C" seems operating properly  2) Can you tell me PLS what is Power now? (I don't see any parameter like - consumption, grid power or Yield etc.. what reached 5.29kW today..) 3) I see visualization for virtual meter is different than for normal iammeter . Can I set the s

Thanks Wilson,

1) After I set the meter's Types you suggested, the visualization I missed popped up immediately.

2) I see only AC storage can be selected for battery only, but I have a DC storage.. Do you have any advise here PLS?

3) Something seems to be wrong with C item (battery) it was collected at first connection but seems not collects date from that time

3) Because this Solinteg inverter has a backup output as well (in case of power outage devices connected to that port get supply) this meter would be needed to be collected from Solinteg site as well and I could assign it as Special load. Than we would have A-B-C-D meters (D would be the backup what is available on Solinteg site - can you collect that as well PLS..? what is your view on that PLS? 

4) Is it possible to collect not just charging and discharging power, but SOC level as well? (%  how much is battery filled, or it is not possible to visualize it - I have never seen this as on my WEN 3080T system I have no battery..)

+1) You believe or not this part below of Place setting was not there when I have set it. (Maybe the virtual meter creation and place setting was to near to each other and it was not synch full that time.


  1. Okay.
  2. Setting it up this way is perfectly fine.
  3. Does that mean you assume that during the period when there's no data, the battery power is 0?
  4. Currently, the SOC display feature is not available, but it may be introduced in the future.
  5. Your impression is correct—in the beginning, when the place was created, this setting wasn't available; it only appears when editing the place.

Thanks Wilson,1) After I set the meter's Types you suggested, the visualization I missed popped up immediately.2) I see only AC storage can be selected for battery only, but I have a DC storage.. Do you have any advise here PLS?3) Something seems to be wrong with C item (battery) it was collected at first connection but seems not collects date from that time3) Because this Solinteg inverter has a backup output as well (in case of power outage devices connected to that port get supply) this meter

Hi Wilson,

thanks for your answers - battery power is showing up properly the battery power was in deed 0 that time most probably.

PLS see my questions below:

1) I had two "3)"  questions in my chat before, sorry for that. Could you answer the second "3)" as well PLS..? (to set up a forth meter item for special load - the backup data from Solinteg up..)

"3) Because this Solinteg inverter has a backup output as well (in case of power outage devices connected to that port get supply) this meter would be needed to be collected from Solinteg site as well and I could assign it as Special load. Than we would have A-B-C-D meters (D would be the backup what is available on Solinteg site - can you collect that as well PLS..? what is your view on that PLS?"

2) I think the Grid power should be reverted, PLS see the anomalies what I have realised during testing and comparing to Solinteg data. 

a) I think Grid meter data "A" should be reverted. On first iammeter screen shoot (battery is not charging either discharging) Yield is 130W(tested in early morning when sunshine was weak), Load power is - 1650W(but it is not right, the load is about 1.9kw a hot water tank is warming up) You can see that it is not possible that 130W yield is supplies 1780W Feed in and 1650W load at once. (other anomaly here that load is negative.. -like would produce energy - and on the screenshot right you can see it swaps from positive to negative like an active power source.) - I think revert(invert) Grid will solve that, but let me know PLS if you see it differently and I could change that with settings in the app.

Thanks Gabor

Hi Wilson, to the above one. I have doublecheck to be on safe side. I have change type of "A" "B" to Grid-Inverter or Inverter Grid  just makes the situation worse _ I think the current setting is right... (so invert Grid what you get from Solinteg may help if you don't have better idea..) Thanks

Hi Gabor,

1) The virtual meter is based on our original WEM format, which supports a maximum of three-phase data. Therefore, it is not possible to incorporate additional data into a single virtual meter.

2) The value for feed-in power was used incorrectly, and it has now been fixed.

Hi Wilson, to the above one. I have doublecheck to be on safe side. I have change type of "A" "B" to Grid-Inverter or Inverter Grid  just makes the situation worse _ I think the current setting is right... (so invert Grid what you get from Solinteg may help if you don't have better idea..) Thanks

Hi Wilson,

Outstanding support, I can't be thankful enough..!

"The virtual meter is based on our original WEM format, which supports a maximum of three-phase data." - understand the limitation, thank you for the explanation.

Solinteg app and iammeter are in perfect fit now. (at each 5th minutes, as Solinteg app updates sample by minutes, iammeter pulls data from Solinteg app by each 5th minutes as I see -  but it is absolutely fine) 

If I may make suggestions about further developments . the SOC and the Backup data collection and visualization would be very useful. (and MQTT not just by "meter" but by calculated values like Feed in, or consumption threshold would help as well - I am not sure if Iammmeter can do that I will ask about in different thread..)

This - what you integrated - was a Solinteg Hybrid inverter (just fyi if  you publish the integration) Solinteg has other type of inverters as well, what is on-grid inverter, where integration could be slightly different (it does not have backup output and battery I think)

Thank you for your help, have a nice day!



Hi Gabor,

Thank you very much for your kind words and valuable input. Your shared data and experience have been instrumental in enriching our virtual meter integration. I'm delighted to hear that the Solinteg app and iammeter are now fitting perfectly for your setup.

Your suggestions regarding SOC, backup data visualization, and extended MQTT support for calculated values are greatly appreciated—we'll certainly consider these enhancements in our future developments. Additionally, thanks for the heads-up about the on-grid inverter integration; it’s always helpful to learn about the different inverter types available.

Thank you again for your support and for sharing your insights. Have a great day!

Best regards,

Hi Wilson,Outstanding support, I can't be thankful enough..!"The virtual meter is based on our original WEM format, which supports a maximum of three-phase data." - understand the limitation, thank you for the explanation.Solinteg app and iammeter are in perfect fit now. (at each 5th minutes, as Solinteg app updates sample by minutes, iammeter pulls data from Solinteg app by each 5th minutes as I see -  but it is absolutely fine) If I may make suggestions about further developments . t

Hi Wilson,

one more correction is needed I think PLS. Solinteg- iammeter kw measurements are in perfect fit as we discussed, but when I double-checked "kwh" parameters after a day I realized significant differences  between Solinteg and iammeter and I think I know the reason. 1) When battery power is calcuted in iammeter, discharging capacity is not deducted from charging capacity. 2) When Load is calculated,  Battery Power is not deducted from production I think.

First PLS see the difference between Solinteg and Iammeter (load =consuption the difference is 7.7 vs 10.7 kwh) after nearly a day at 16.30 about

regarding 1) PLS see an iammeter sample between 15.25-16.16 for 1hour about below (for easier kwh calculation)

You can see, during this period "Feed-in" was about 0kwh (~0.03kwh) based on the graph below and iammeter's calculation next to it, The load was around 2kw for an hour what is 2kwh, the yield was 0.3kwh what means around 2-0.3=1.7kwh  was fully supplied from battery(discharging), what graph shows perfectly as well. (~1.72kw during 1 hours= ~1.7kwh) If you see the calculation what the app does: 0.3kwhYield=OK, 0kwh Feed-in=OK, Battery 0kwh is not OK I think - the battery(partially yield) supplied the load ,I think Battery should be -1.7kwh here what is in line with graph.

regarding 2) the Load should be 2kwh I think.. (yield 0.3 + battery discharging 1.7kwh). It shows exactly that a hot water tank was switched on during this our... 1.9kwh (+0.1kwh other loads)

Thanks Gabor

Hi Wilson,

thanks for your fast update, Solinteg and iammeter app - both regarding Power and Energy - are in 100% synch now.

1) Energy (I evaluated 16 of March in both app, they are in 100% synch now from all aspects.)

2) Power (right now, on 17 of March morning - both Solinteg and iammeter are in 100% synch like yesterday) - in each 5th minutes of course as Solinteg app measures by minute and iammeter in each 5 minutes)

Thanks, have a nice day


Hi Gabor,

Your response is really fast—I haven't even had a chance to notify you 😄. Thank you for your feedback; it really helps us improve our product. Now, on the web version's overview page, you'll see that consumption is now composed of three parts. We will update the app later. 

Thanks again and have a great day!

Hi Wilson,thanks for your fast update, Solinteg and iammeter app - both regarding Power and Energy - are in 100% synch now.1) Energy (I evaluated 16 of March in both app, they are in 100% synch now from all aspects.)2) Power (right now, on 17 of March morning - both Solinteg and iammeter are in 100% synch like yesterday) - in each 5th minutes of course as Solinteg app measures by minute and iammeter in each 5 minutes)Thanks, have a nice dayGabor
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