WEM3080T Exported Energy Data Lags Behind Actual

I've got a Three Phase Wi-Fi Energy Meter (WEM3080T) on the grid connection for our three phase supply.

Recently we installed a large solar array (15kW) so in our current summer weather  we are exporting a lot of energy.

However I've notice that the value for exported energy on the WEM3080T webpage  is very slow to update and can be several hours behind.

E..g. currently it is showing 0.06kWh exported

The solar app shows a higher value, 2.02kWh

As the day goes on and the export rate creeps up the difference becomes greater. It normally catches up about 2 hours after the sun has gone done.

So some type of latency in how these figures are accumulated maybe ?
Is there any configuration setting I need to change ?

P.S. The Overview tab appears to be showing realtime (within the 1 minute fresh cycle) power being exported for each of the 3 phases.

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This field is not refreshed timely now.
It only refreshed after the hour is complete ,and concern the server stress ,it would calclulated in a random time in the next hour.

The bar value in this chart is refreshed timely, you can switch to the daily data to monitor the daily exported energy and grid consumption.

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