WEM3080 as solar PV system. Costing for 3rd C/T poweer usage

I have a WEM3080 and is connected to solar, incoming supply and 3rd C/T load.

The 3rd C/T load is connected to measure 3 air conditioning circuits. And this shows on the "Current State section" and the "power graph"

Is there a report on the WEM3080 that has the costing  for the air conditioning 3rd C/T in the results. Preferably for the day ??

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I think it is the WEM3080T,  not WEM3080, yes?

If so, please try these reports

It is used to analyze the special load , including the hourly, daily kwh data .


Sorry yes it is a WEM3080T .

But I am trying to get the cost ($)per day for the special load power CT

I can get  kw per hour by using " Load analysis/special load source analysis/daily report."

Or I can get the monthly totals (cost $) by using  "Load analysis/special load source analysis/monthly report.)

The Kwh values cannot be directly converted to $ value due to Time of use metering.

I am trying to compare how different A/C setting can keep your A/C loads under the solar output for the day. Thus reducing overall costs.. the settings seem to be working in my case, but would like to be able to confirm with actual costs, before sharing .

Thanks for the reply, but it looks like I will have to export data and run them through a spreadsheet with time of use values.


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