Export data of Enrgey consumed by hour for a longer period tahn 1 day


Where can I generate a report of energy consumed by hour for sevberal days?

Is there a continuous growing graogh? (acummulative about Kwh consumed for several days)

Many Thanks

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But I believe this data is just for one day. I would like to see several so I can download the hourly consumption for a period of days 


This report does not display data for a single day. Please note that it includes a time period selection control.

The data shown represents the sum of the hourly kWh values across the entire time period you select.

For example, if you select a 7-day period, the kWh value for each hour represents the total kWh consumption during that specific hour over the 7 selected days.

Or maybe you can also try this 


You can just use one time period ,which include several days, it would show the hourly  kwh data either .

But it can not export the data to csv yet.

Many thanks for the support.

As you mention, the problem is that this info is not available for download yet, and this is a problem.

Let´s hope it is implemented soon.


The export function is added.

Please have a try.

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