Save the Electricity bill in Latvia

  • A brief introduction of your system:
    System consist single phase 3kW PV system, 1.5kW Boiler and different house and garden electrical loads and connected to the main grid.
    We implemented our own simple ON/OFF boiler control, connecting it to the PV inverter dry relays - When PV feed-in exceed specific threshold, boiler is switched on, when it goes below, accordingly off. It could safe some energy and not to feed PV excess energy to the main grid. With WPC3700 we expect to substitute existing solution with more advanced control. 

  • An estimate of your current electricity cost for the boiler heater and the proportion of solar PV used in its power supply:
    As we already have the system in place, which charge the boiler during the summer period from the PV-feed in, so we try to utilise sun fully. However existing system not considers other loads in this particular moment, and it means that we could consume much more than PV-system is providing. WPC3700 could improve it, and follow overall consumption of the house and garden, and charge the boiler only in the cases when we have excess of the PV system 

    In particular moment boiler has two heaters, each 750W, and here is how it looks like during clear sky day in the summer (September 2024):

    Existing control is not so smooth, and in this particular case WPC3700 could behave smoother. So there are clearly case when Total consumption is high around 10 o'clock and there are consumption from the grid (Boiler and other loads together). Ideally is should decrease the boiler consumption and start charge when excess of energy is available  

    Other example from July 2024:

  • Similar picture also there, that boiler works all the time

During cloudy days, situation is even more crazy :) (July 2024)

  • The self-consumption rate of PV system and considering existing control is around 90% (so most of the energy produced by PV is already used locally). But there is also side when consumption is high and boiler is still consuming energy from the grid.  

  • A screenshot of the IAMMETER system "overview" dashboard and a screenshot of the self-consumption rate analysis report.

    self-consumption rate analysis report is not available in my case, probably due to the missing separate real-time PV system information. Tried to assign Virtual Meter with PV data, but not successful yet. ( "message": "Invalid SN" )

I hope it could be interesting showcase

Keep in touch

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Thanks for your sharing first.

Please let me know 

1 where did you get the sn of the virtual meter ?

2 where prompt you "invalid sn"  when you input the SN you get from step 1?

Please attach the snapshot in your reply (for security concern, please also hide some characters for the SN in your picture)


I tried the example provided from here: via postman, for test i use some dummy values. 

1. I get it in Virtual meter, when define PushAPI:

Now it looks the following, I use SN :

Hope it helps! 

This is due to the SN has not been added.
Just like you receive an energy meter with an SN snap on the box, but you do not add the SN in your account.
You need to add this sn to a "place".
Then the prompt of "invalid sn" would disappear.

Thanks! Works! 

One small thing. What is allowed push frequency?

please do not push data shorter than 1 min

Thanks! Works! One small thing. What is allowed push frequency?


By the way, would you mind to share what is the data source that you pushed to the IAMMETER by this API interface?

3kW PV inverter data, i read data from it directly and store in my HAN. Let me know if you need more info

so cool.

Which is the brand of the inverter?

In fact ,we do not introduce how to use the "push API" mode in pubic since now.
You may be the first user using the "push API" in virtual meter .

If it is convenient,I want to know how do you achieve this (request the data of the inverter and push them into the virtual meter of IAMEMTER).

In additon ,I also think the WPC3700 is a better for you than the "simple switch" control mode.

If you like ,you can purchase it in the discount price listed here

3kW PV inverter data, i read data from it directly and store in my HAN. Let me know if you need more info

Hi, busy week

So I have PIKO KOSTAL 3.0 inverter, I build up home energy management system based on and platform. It allows me to collect data from different sensors and devices as iammeter, pv system, heatpump and many other fancy things around via different communications as MQTT, Modbus, RFM, GET/POST. I reach Piko via python script (found some solutions on github) and read the data (it is ethernet connected) and store it in emoncms. Forwarding data to iammeter is strait forward - I take last values from emoncms and push it to virtual meter. 



import requests

url = ''
myobj = {"SN": "******", "Data": [requests.get('http://localhost/feed/value.json?id=7').json(), requests.get('http://localhost/feed/value.json?id=16').json(), requests.get('http://localhost/feed/value.json?id=8').json(), 0, 0]}

x =, json=myobj)


localhost/feed/value.json?id part is data from PV system what i extract and assign to virtual meter payload. It could be possible also to read measurement's directly, without emoncms. In this case instead of localhost/feed/value.json?id values, need to get necessary values from Piko. 

So for now i have idea to integrate WPC3700 in the pipeline and see how it will work. Challenge is that sometimes there are communication issues with devices, e.g. no data from iammeter due to far away placement of the meter from the receiver, i have also some repeaters in between and they are not always reliable. It would be interesting to have iammeter not only with WiFi option, but maybe some 433MHz/868MHz option. So need to plan the fall-back/fale-safe strategy how boiler heater continue to work if communication is lost, probably easiest is to do nothing if control signal not arrive. 

This idea, how realisation will looks like will see :) Not all realisation depends on me

Keep in touch


One more thing - regarding WPC3700, could you provide the link, I'm thinking about Kit 2 option, but use single phase meter for my Off-Grid setup :) 

Please email us (

and paste this URL in your email ,we will provide you the purchase method.

One more thing - regarding WPC3700, could you provide the link, I'm thinking about Kit 2 option, but use single phase meter for my Off-Grid setup :) 
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