Billing & Income Report with Stacking/Phase Balance Feature

Dear IAM Meter Team,
first of all, thanks for the great product! You are doing an fantastic job out there! You can be really proud of yourself.

I've a suggestion or maybe even a requirement towards Billing & Income Report generation.

While in the Overview Screen you can "stack" the 3 Phases, you can't do this within the Billing & Income Report. My Energy Provider balances the phases, so I don't get a bill when I consume 1kWh on Phase A, while I export 3kWh on Phase B, but he pays me for that 2kWh I've exported during that time.

The current report seems to count each Phase individually and mulitply with the tariff. Which results in energy consumption [costs] when I'm actually exporting. I tried using the "net energy metering" feature but then also the Overview Diagramm gets reduced, which is sad as I can't identify consumers and producers any longer in my home grid that accurate.

Is it possible to provide a "Stacked" Feature for Billing & Income Report just as it works in the Overview Diagramm?

Many thanks & Best regards,

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When NEM is enabled, the NEM power represents the sum of the power across all three phases. However, the NEM energy (kWh) is not directly related to the individual kWh data from the three phases. Instead, it is calculated as the integrated result of the NEM power value.

Therefore, when NEM is enabled, only one kWh value is meaningful—the one derived from the integrated NEM power. For this reason, we display only a single power value on the dashboard. Otherwise, displaying four power values (three phase powers + the summed NEM power) could be confusing, especially since only one kWh value is relevant.

Your feedback has made us reconsider this approach. We understand that displaying all four power values might not confuse users. We will take your suggestion into account and may update the dashboard to allow the display of up to four power values, with the option for customers to select or deselect each power value for display.

In your case, it is indeed a net energy metering situation. 

You will need to enable the "NEM" mode both on the energy meter and in IAMMETER-cloud for it to function correctly.

This is about how to enable the NEM mode.

Please note that enabling the NEM mode is essential for accurate metering. If NEM is not enabled, all billing results in the reports will be incorrect. In other words, without NEM enabled, IAMMETER-cloud will not get the correct NEM data, leading to inaccurate billing reports.

Now, let's focus on how you can optimize the "Overview" page in NEM mode.

Thanks for the fast reply.

Yes NEM Mode is enabled at the meter side. I've not enabled it (or better reverted it again) in the IAMMETER-cloud via energy metering mode as the Diagram is negativly affected reducing the output to 1 common balanced phase only.

Looking forward to your proposal.

Best regards!


  1. Please ensure that NEM mode is enabled both on the device and in the cloud. If it is not, the measurement results in IAMMETER-Cloud may be inaccurate, as it will still calculate the final result using individual 3-phase values.

  2. Could you please describe in detail what you consider the ideal dashboard experience when NEM is enabled in IAMMETER-Cloud?

If your suggestion is valuable and widely applicable, we may consider upgrading our system to implement it.

Please check the dashboard; we have already completed the upgrade. When the NEM (Net Energy Metering) mode is enabled, the NEM power(average power of 3phase ) as well as the power for each phase are now displayed on the power chart.

Thanks for the fast reply.Yes NEM Mode is enabled at the meter side. I've not enabled it (or better reverted it again) in the IAMMETER-cloud via energy metering mode as the Diagram is negativly affected reducing the output to 1 common balanced phase only.Looking forward to your proposal.Best regards!

Seems to work, thanks! Not quite the UX like in the normal mode (e.g. Stacking stays permanent enabled after selection) but for new data all the messurements are coming up with promissing values. Currently it looks like I lost my historical data but as we are approaching the end of the year and season is anyway nealy over, all good.

Many thanks & Best regards,


Please check the dashboard; we have already completed the upgrade. When the NEM (Net Energy Metering) mode is enabled, the NEM power(average power of 3phase ) as well as the power for each phase are now displayed on the power chart.

"Currently it looks like I lost my historical data "

Yes, because when works in NEM mode, IAMMETER uses the fourth column data to calculate the energy consumption and billing.

If you do not open the NEM mode from the energy meter side, there will be no fourth-column data in the history record .

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