Hi, It seems like i made a mistake. I configured WEM3080T to use fixed IP address and not DHCP. Now the meter is not visible from the router. I also did "arp -a" and the MAC address of the meter did not show up.
How can I reset network and start from Meter_XXXXXXX wifi again? I have RS-485 connector available.
Thank you
1 Is the uploading still keep on?
If so , it has still been connected to router successful, you will be able to find the ip from router(not dhcp page, but other page like "client list", or you can type the arp command from router ,not your pc)
2 if the uploading is already stop.
The easy way is power down the router ,then the ssid of iMeter_sn would be appear, you can log in it and do the "factory default" operation.
Thank you very much. I did #2 accidentally, and I could get in iMeter_sn to get it back.