Latest version of the YAML for SCR-485

upgrade on June 12th,2024

Please  upgrade to the latest YAML version

Version: the YAML version number

X current time: show the current time 

Restore power: the maximum power when the SCR-485 leaves the auto period, if it is set to zero ,that means the heater will not work when it is not in the auto period

Set the TZ in yaml: After our testing, we found the time may be incorrect if the TZ is not set correctly.

So, we recommend setting your TZ in the YAML manually.

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Just running version 1.1.6 with Battery.. I have had a play trying to remove the battery component but has references throughout the yaml and keep getting errors, So, I was wondering before I reinvent the wheel, do you or someone have a ymal version similar or the same as the layout  as 1.1.6 without Battery.. Cheers Colin

Hi Colin:

Just need to set the option of "with battery " off on the web page.

No need to remove the battery setting from YAML



Just running version 1.1.6 with Battery.. I have had a play trying to remove the battery component but has references throughout the yaml and keep getting errors, So, I was wondering before I reinvent the wheel, do you or someone have a ymal version similar or the same as the layout  as 1.1.6 without Battery.. Cheers Colin

Hi Laoliu,

Do with mean in this section of the YAML? 

## with Battery
- if:
lambda: 'return id(global_with_battery);'
- http_request.get: ## IP of the meter that measures the battery power.
url: ""
Content-Type: "application/json"
Authorization: 'Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4='
verify_ssl: false
- logger.log:
format: "Response status: %d, Duration: %u ms"
- status_code
- duration_ms
- lambda: |-
json::parse_json(id(http_request_data).get_string(), [](JsonObject root) {
// WEM3080
if (root.containsKey("Data") && root["Data"].is<JsonArray>() && root["Data"].size() > 2) {
int32_t tmp_battery_power = root["Data"][2];
//tmp_battery_power = -tmp_battery_power; //for test


I have just figured out where you wanted me to turn it off

I would prefer the Battery not be part of the Web Page


Add it and control it from home assistant you can choose then what you want to view or not view, and can adjust the settings from there as well.

As a reference for the time zones, I believe you can use these.

I have just figured out where you wanted me to turn it offI would prefer the Battery not be part of the Web PageCheers

Hi, thanks for the information. I have another question about available sensors in the SCR_485, do you know if there are voltage sensors on the Inputs and Outputs, It would quite useful to show I/O voltages.. Cheers


There is no voltage sensor, so it's not possible to obtain exact voltage readings for both input and output. The device assumes you are operating on a 230V system and adjusts the voltage output accordingly.


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