Daily Export Tariff compromise

Please tell me if I am setting my export Tariff correctly.

Suppliers rates are -

First 5kWh per day. 10c/kWh

Remaining kWh per day  5c/kWh

I do not have a smart meter so the supplier calculates the average daily export figures.

Since there is currently only monthly export tariff option in IAMMETER I have extrapolated the daily export data  to an β€œaverage” month by multiplying daily figures by 30.4

The monthly rates become:

First 152kWh per month. $15.16

Remaining 500 kWh per month $25.00

Here is my configuration entry for Export Tariff -.

So for the first 152kWh each month I get $15.16

For the next 500kWh each month I get $25 or pro rata thereof. (with a 3kW system the best I can expect to export per month would be 400kWh in total.

Do the settings below look to be correct for my case?


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Yes, this setting is very suitable. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


I think you may have confused the concept of Electricity tariff, which should mean the unit price, that is, 0.1$/kWh or 0.05$/kWh. So I think it should be set like this:

I think there may be some deviation with your actual data after this setting. If the daily export power can exceed 5kWh, there will be no deviation.

That is, the more consistent the daily export kWh, the smaller the deviation, for example, none exceeds 5kWh or all exceed 5kWh.

You are right Wilson - I should not have been multiplying the unit price - only the Units per teir per day.

So to restate feedin tariff -

  1. Daily Teir 1 - $0.10/kWh for the first 5 kWh exported
  2. Daily Teir 2 - $0.05/kWh for remainder in excess of 5kWh

Assuming a 30 day month -

  • Monthy Teir 1 is $0.10/kWh for the first 150 kWh exported
  • Monthy Teir 2 is $0.05/kWh for the remainder in excess of 150kWh exported.

I think I have also previously mis-interpreted the function of the units column in the Export Tariff section.

Perhaps it could be made clearer by having a FROM column and a TO column

So what I have entered now is -

Meaning that 

the first 150 kWh per month will  earn $0.10/kWh

everything in excess of 150kWh will ear $0.05/kWh

Does that look better?

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