Good day,im still a new with the Metering unit but im currently experiencing an Negative Reading on one of the phases(3 phase unit). It all displayed correctly before...Please advise what the reason could be for this...

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In my opinion, the most possible cause of this problem is the phase mismatch in the installation.

Please refer to

I am having the same problem!!!! I did not understand the link above.

it starts happen after upgrade the fw

Please provide more use usefully information, such as
1 what is your negative power reading shown in the chart
2 what are the corresponding U and I reading while the power is negative reading?
3 what is your FW version before and after the upgrade?
it is no sense to just said you have a question but not describe it in detail.

"I am having the same problem!!!! I did not understand the link above."

The above link is a summary of the possibility of the mistake in installation.
Some of the mistakes will manifest as negative power reading (while you do not have solar inverter feed-in power).
If you want to understand it , you need some electrical knowledge, such as what is the meaning of the phase angle between the voltage and current of each phase.

I am having the same problem!!!! I did not understand the link above.
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