PlaceID for Docker app - where do we get it from?

Hi, I am currently getting meter data from the cloud for Home Assistant. I should be able to get it from the Docker app.

But I can't find the PlaceID to use the API.. Where do we get it from?

I found a PlaceID in the SQL database but it returns Invalid Token.

It would be good if Home Assistant could get local data...

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If you want t get the data of the energy meter to the home assistant, there are many choices.

1 use the IAMMETER Home assistant integration

2 use the home assistant modbus tcp sensor

These above two options can be achieved in the LAN, with no internet needs.

3 subscribe to the MQTT topic from IAMMETER-cloud

This option needs internet access.

In fact,I think you can also use the API of the IAMMETER-docker to get the data and store them to Home assistant. 

But I have never tried this usage before.

Could you let me know the specific API you had used that needs the parameter of placeID?

I wanted to explore what data was available from the Docker API as there are many options there. But most of them require a PlaceID but I can't find a valid PlaceID. See screendump.

At this stage I was just using the Try it Out option on the docker/docs page.


You can excute the api: /api/v1/Place/PlaceList 

And it return data like this:

{ "data": [ { "id": "48da8b16-eef3-4061-84e6-55056cf9f277", "name": "testplace", "remark": null, "location": null, "sortNo": 1, "addTime": "07/11/2020 00:00:00", "price": 0.5, "priceUnit": "$", "feedInPrice": 0.2, "meterCount": 1, "type": "grid", "imageUrl": null } ], "successful": true, "message": null }

The id is the PlaceId for other apis.

I wanted to explore what data was available from the Docker API as there are many options there. But most of them require a PlaceID but I can't find a valid PlaceID. See screendump.At this stage I was just using the Try it Out option on the docker/docs page.


I was able to do this but I could not see an easy way to retrieve the API key to authorise the header in the JSON

I was able to obtain this from the SiteUserToken SQL Table using phpMyAdmin

Surely there should be an easier way. Could the API key be displayed on the user page?

In the meantime I have saved it in the user remarks field


You can execute the user/login API to get the token.

Thanks,I was able to do this but I could not see an easy way to retrieve the API key to authorise the header in the JSONI was able to obtain this from the SiteUserToken SQL Table using phpMyAdminSurely there should be an easier way. Could the API key be displayed on the user page?In the meantime I have saved it in the user remarks field
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