PVOutputpro skipping values due to invalid V4 data

Hi We enabled logging to Pvoutputpro from the docker app this morning at 7:40am which replaced our Oxley Solar App.

Many 5 minute entries are missing due to Error 400 being returned during the day

Please refer to our pvoutput site. https://pvoutput.org/intraday.jsp?id=28912&sid=26484&dt=20220622

There are two issues:

1. v4 Power Consumption is often sent as a negative number which causes the error 400 and our data is rejected.

2. V6 Voltage is always nill when the SQL data contains what appears to be a voltage value stored in BIZ_MeterData table

Docker Log:

[08:08:04 INF] pvoutput upload error:Bad request 400: Invalid power value [-43]; data:{"d":"20220622","t":"08:07","v1":0.4950,"v2":1058.0,"v3":1.3000,"v4":-43.0,"v6":0.0,"n":null,"APIKey":"996fa07f135e58b6cdf600a50d79026768db642d","SystemId":"26484"} {}

V4 is Power consumption.

PVoutputpro screen since the docker started to send data note skipped entries which should be displayed every 5 minutes so there are gaps in the data). See screendump below:

The only exception to my configuration is that I have defined meter B to be for a battery when its attached to a hot water solar diversion circuit. I wanted to measure energy diversion for hot water. This should not cause negative values for consumption. Its just no power is returned to the house from the "battery".

It would be appreciated if these bugs could be resolved

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Thanks for your comments.

It seems there are some difficulties in open source the calculation function code in IAMMETER-docker.
I have just confirmed the definition of the V4 and V6 in the IAMMETER-docker code.
V4 are the sum power reading of the three phase energy meter.
If it is negative, it means the feed-in power is higher than the grid consumption power. Otherwise, it means the grid consumption power is higher than the feed-in power.
Because the IAMMETER-docker app do not support using the net energy metering result , so the V4 is just the algebraic sum of the three phase power reading ,if your system is net metering mode,it may not the real result.

Net metering mode :https://www.iammeter.com/docs/net-energy-meter

The V6 is the highest voltage reading of the three phase .

Thanks, it's not a vital issue. Your IamMeter web app is vastly superior to pvoutput and provides lots of useful feedback that can be used to minimise grid energy consumption.

Thanks, it's not a vital issue. Your IamMeter web app is vastly superior to pvoutput and provides lots of useful feedback that can be used to minimise grid energy consumption.

Hi rodweb:

Sorry, I am not very familiar with the API of PVOUTPUT.
My colleagues who develop the IAMMETER-docker are on a very important project now.
I will try to open-source a part of the code ,that calculated the parameter of the "PVoutput" from the energy meter of IAMMETER.
If there is any news ,I will post it here.

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