250A Split-core Current Transformer

Where can I buy 250A Split-core Current Transformer for use with WEM3080T. I am in US and need two.

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Sorry we do not sell the CT independently.

All energy meter is calibrated with CT together, it does not support exchange CT with each other.(Even they are from the same 3 phase energy monitor, that is why we mark A or B or C in the cable of the CT)
Otherwise, it will affect the reading accuracy of the energy meter.

The product information says the are optional, see the image from your website:

This datasheet are about WEM3080T (3 phase energy monitor)series
it includes 3 CT rating .
WEM3080T-150(150A CT)
WEM3080T-250(250A CT)
WEM3080T-500(500A CT)
The 400A ct products is not available now.

The description here means there are 3 CT rating can be selected in this product series.
But they can not exchangeable.

In fact, if you replace the 150A ct with 250A ct,it still can work , but will affect the accuracy a lot(so we do not recommend to do this replacement) . But if you replace it with 500A ct ,it will not work at all.

Thank you, that was helpful. Where can I purchase WEM3080T-250?  I need more amps for the  main panel in my home.

Found on Alibaba!

Where can I buy 250A Split-core Current Transformer for use with WEM3080T. I am in US and need two.

Do I understand correctly that I cannot use current transformers with the device that I could buy on the local market?

For example 600/5А 5VA class 0,5.


Yes, you can not replace the CT of WEM3080 and WEM3080T  with the CT of  xxx/5A , because they are not compatible with each other.

There are three types of CT that are used in the Wi-Fi energy meter 




Both 150A and 250A are with a current ratio of 2000:1, not the xxx:5.
500A is another spec, is not xxx:5 either.

Do I understand correctly that I cannot use current transformers with the device that I could buy on the local market?For example 600/5А 5VA class 0,5.

Help me understand, Are you saying that the 150amp CT from two different packages are not interchangeable and will report differently? Also, if you need more amps, more than 150, you have to buy a a who new unit? This makes no sense to me. 

Hi:Sorry we do not sell the CT independently.All energy meter is calibrated with CT together, it does not support exchange CT with each other.(Even they are from the same 3 phase energy monitor, that is why we mark  A or B or C in the cable of the CT)Otherwise, it will affect the reading accuracy of the energy meter.


We offer three models in the WEM3080T series:

  1. WEM3080T-150: 150A CT, ratio 2000:1
  2. WEM3080T-250: 250A CT, ratio 2000:1
  3. WEM3080T-500: 500A CT, ratio 4000:1

If you purchase the WEM3080T-150, you can technically replace its CT with a 250A CT since they share the same ratio (2000:1). However, we do not recommend this. Each meter is calibrated with its CT before leaving the factory, so replacing the CT—even with one of the same ratio—may result in a loss of accuracy.

Please note, you cannot replace the WEM3080T-150 or WEM3080T-250 CTs with a 500A CT as the ratios are different.

If you need a meter that can adapt to different CTs with varying ratios, the WEM3046T is a better option, as it supports 5A CTs with different ratios.


Help me understand, Are you saying that the 150amp CT from two different packages are not interchangeable and will report differently? Also, if you need more amps, more than 150, you have to buy a a who new unit? This makes no sense to me. 
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