Second meter for solar PV system


The utility delivers three-phase, 220V phase-phase, star system, neutral grounded in my home. I have a metering system using the three-phase WEM3080T meter at the input of my main panel board. I installed a solar PV system, single-phase, 220V phase-phase, without neutral, and I would like to know if the single phase WEM3080 meter is suitable for installation at the solar PV system output to measure the energy exported to the grid. The two phase voltage lines would be connected to the Ua-Un inputs, and the CT connected in one phase.

Thank you

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I have just confirmed this usage with my colleague, it is OK.

"220V phase-phase inverter, without neutral line.

you connect the Ua and Un to the inverter output,
clamp the ct to one of the outputs of the inverter."


Hello,The utility delivers three-phase, 220V phase-phase, star system, neutral grounded in my home. I have a metering system using the three-phase WEM3080T meter at the input of my main panel board. I installed a solar PV system, single-phase, 220V phase-phase, without neutral, and I would like to know if the single phase WEM3080 meter is suitable for installation at the solar PV system output to measure the energy exported to the grid. The two phase voltage lines would be connected to the Ua-Un

Can you explain more detailled how you connected the wem3080. 

I have the same problem. 

How do you do the setup in the app. Both meters in the same place? Or 2 places?

Hello,The utility delivers three-phase, 220V phase-phase, star system, neutral grounded in my home. I have a metering system using the three-phase WEM3080T meter at the input of my main panel board. I installed a solar PV system, single-phase, 220V phase-phase, without neutral, and I would like to know if the single phase WEM3080 meter is suitable for installation at the solar PV system output to measure the energy exported to the grid. The two phase voltage lines would be connected to the Ua-Un


In fact , this post is about how to install a single-phase wifi energy meter to a phase-phase inverter (without neutral line) output.

If your question is about how to monitor a single-phase inverter in your IAMMETER solar pv monitoring system. It is very easy

1 install the single-phase energy meter WEM3080 in the inverter side.

please refer to

2 add the WEM3080 to the same place with the WEM3080T(three phase energy monitor which had been installed in the grid side) in IAMMETER-cloud, and select the meter type of the WEM3080 to "inverter"

Can you explain more detailled how you connected the wem3080. I have the same problem. How do you do the setup in the app. Both meters in the same place? Or 2 places?
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